Hey there, my name is Dan. I’m an avid fisherman and a former sushi chef/restaurant manager. I make sushi videos mostly from fish I catch and do my best to turn it into edible arts. I enjoy sharing this skill and knowledge with others and hope you’ll leave here learning something new.
I’ve spent over 10 years working in restaurants in different states and now reside in Florida. Besides playing with food, my second passion is fishing. Growing up, I’ve always lived closed by the water and spent my childhood summers fishing on Long Island. I was one of those kids you see riding his bike with a fishing rod in one hand and a bucket in the other.
Years later, when I moved to Florida, I was exposed to a much wider variety of inshore and offshore species. And this was when I begin to combine my two passions together, and decided to learn and practice my sushi skills on native fish. For the past several years, I’ve experimented with multiple game fish to discover which ones are suitable for sushi and what applications work best. And now I want to share this knowledge.
Most of the contents I produce are basic concepts. It’s really about the methodology more so than creativity. As you learn and advance, you’ll be better equipped to develop your own imagination and style. But first, try to enjoy sushi at a ground level where the amount of ingredients used per a dish is minimized. Sushi is about appreciating the individuality of ingredients and learning how to enhance flavors rather than overpowering it.
The dream is for this site to become a destination for anybody that wants to learn how to make sushi, especially from their own catch. This is also a place to learn more about seafood in general, as my blog covers other stuff you should know about the seafood we eat. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me on Facebook.